Who are Vet-AI, Joii Petcare and Innovate UK?
Vet-AI is a veterinary telemedicine and artificial intelligence (AI) company based in the UK. We offer owners video consultations with vets and vet nurses via our smartphone app, Joii Petcare (https://www.joiipetcare.com/). Vet-AI also builds smart vet technology to help owners and their pets recognise when there is something wrong with their pet, with projects such as this one.
Innovate UK is part of UK Research and Innovation, a non-departmental public body funded by a grant-in-aid from the UK government. For more information, visit the UK Research and Innovation website. They drive productivity and economic growth by supporting businesses to develop and realise the potential of new ideas, including those from the UK’s world-class research base.
What is Joii?
Joii is a telemedicine app so that you can have round the clock access to professional veterinary advice for your pets. It's completely free to download and on your smartphone.
How do I get Joii?
Simply download the Joii app from the app store/ google play onto your smartphone, enter your details and register your pets to start using Joii.
What videos do we want?
We need videos of dogs walking so we can make an awesome tool to help dogs everywhere.
What should the video be of?
We ask for the video to be:
- Of the dog named in the email we sent to you inviting you to take part
- Taken In landscape view
- Of the dog walking in one of the following directions: towards the camera, away from the camera, right to left or left to right
- In focus and not blurry
- Only of one dog (no other dogs in background)
- A clear view of the dog (avoid having a person / objects in the way of the dog on the video)
- Contain at least 10 seconds of moving dog
- Camera as still as possible (to do this you will need one person to walk the dog on a lead and another person to be filming the walk, keeping the camera steady)
- Full instructions can also be found on the web page
These specific instructions are so that the dog can be seen moving from all different sides.
Why does Joii need videos of dogs?
Joii needs videos of dogs walking to build an amazing tool that will be able to tell owners when there is a problem with their dog’s walk.
A painful walk (“lameness”) due to things like arthritis, is very common in dogs. However, since dogs can’t talk, the signs can be difficult for us humans to spot, especially in the earlier stages of disease. It can also be difficult for owners and vets to assess more subtle changes in the amount of pain a dog is in, and if for example, treatment is having any benefit or not.
Why are we asking questions?
In order to understand as much about each dog featured in your videos, we need to ask questions to have some background information, or data, about each dog. It is useful to know the breed, age and gender, weight and neuter status of each dog to help us build a reference to typical problems in typical breeds, ages and weights of dogs. This information is optional so if you don’t know it, don’t worry.
Do I have to be a Joii customer or sign up to Joii?
No, there is no need to be a Joii petcare app user and there is no obligation to sign up to use the app.
Will a vet be able to give me advice on my dog’s health?
No, there will not be any direct feedback about a dog’s walk or health from uploaded videos. The videos will be used by our software developers, so we cannot guarantee that a vet will review the dog’s video. If you are worried about a dog’s health it is best to seek advice from a vet. You should make an appointment to speak with a vet; you can download the Joii app to your smartphone and request a vet video consultation, or make an appointment with your regular vet.
How will the data be stored and retained?
All data will be stored in a secure database only accessible by people working on the project. Videos and information obtained from the upload may be retained for up to 5 years and will be used in future research projects, and for training and education purposes. Videos from the competition may also be used for promotional purposes.
Do I have to provide my personal information?
We will not request any other personal information about you. However, please bear in mind that any video taken in your environment that captures people as well as the dog, will be visible to anyone working on the project when assessing the videos. If you are unhappy with this you can request to have your data (the video and question answers) removed and permanently deleted.
All answers to the questions will be kept strictly confidential. The outcome of the project may be printed in veterinary journals and also in the non-veterinary press, but you and the dog will not be identifiable from any published work.
What’s next?
If you are happy to become involved, then please follow the instructions for uploading your dog walking videos .
What if I change my mind?
If you decide you want to withdraw from the competition, you may do so without explanation, and any information you have given can be destroyed. If you do wish to withdraw, please let one or email us at dpo@vet-ai.com.