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Atopica is a prescription treatment for atopic dermatitis in dogs. Atopica relieves the symptoms and decreases itchiness in dogs with allergies.
• Reduces the immune system's response to allergens and improves symptoms of atopic dermatitis in dogs
• Several size capsules for easy dosing
• Alternative to steroids"
• Dosage: 5 mg/kg once daily.
✔️ for dogs weighing over 1.8kg and over 6 months of age
✔️ give according to your vets recommendations
✔️ dose is 5mg/kg once a day given one hour before or two hours after a meal
✔️ dose can be reduced after 30 days, if recommended by a veterinarian
X Do not give to dogs with cancer
X Do not give to dogs with known allergies to ciclosporin
X Do not split the capsules
✔️ Speak to a vet if you notice side effects such as vomiting, diarrhoea, persistent infections, anorexia or lethargy during treatment"
Atopica - Capsules for Dogs
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