


FELIWAY Help! Diffuser and Refills for Cats

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The FELIWAY® Help! plug-in diffuser helps reduce signs of stress in cats during temporary anxiety-inducing situations at home. This calming natural pheromone, which is odourless to humans and other animal species, is an ideal choice to spread a strong sense of security and comfort for your cat.

The starter set includes a diffuser, as well as a 7-day cartridge. It is suitable for long-term use with additional refill cartridges available.

The refill set includes 3 refills that last 7 days each once used with FELIWAY® Help! plug-in diffuser.

Full Ingredients
Synthetic Feline Facial Pheromone (F3 Feline Facial Fraction)

Always read the label before use.

How To Use
  • 2 days before the stressful situation, put the cartridge in the device and put it in your electric socket.
  • Plug in the diffuser in a place that your cat prefers to spend time in.
  • The diffuser should remain plugged in, day and night, for 7 days, to achieve the desired relaxation.
  • Do not cover the diffuser and ensure that no furniture is placed over or in front of it, as there is a risk that the diffuser could leave marks, and the pheromone will not be effectively distributed throughout the room.
  • One cartridge works for approx. 7 days when used constantly in a room of up to 50m². The cartridge should then be replaced. Please check the diffuser before 7 days are over, as the size of the room, position of the furniture and air circulation can influence how quickly it runs out.
Key Benefits
  • Natural help for cats of all ages and breeds, supporting wellbeing at home
  • Plug-in diffuser: the pheromone in the cartridge is circulated around the room of up to 50m²
  • Spreads a feeling of safety and comfort in unknown situations
  • Combats anxiety and stressful behaviour
  • Odourless and safe to use
  • Recommended by veterinarians